

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We had more then 20 people call in to be living donors. I did not think that anyone would want to be a living donor. I am lucky to be blessed with such amazing friends and family. They did not waste any time calling in to donate.
Paige is getting more and more yellow. Her belly looks like a pregnant belly at nine months. I am thinking she will be on a feeding tube pretty soon.
When I think of Paige I am grateful for all of the advances in medicine. If Paige was not born in these times she would not have made it past the age of two. I cannot help being thankful that I still get to have her. I am amazed at how strong she is and how mellow. If i had to go through what she has I would be so grumpy and miserable. Even when she is in pain she still makes time to smile. I hope that we can find a liver that will be the perfect fit, so that she can get better.

1 comment:

KaiWC said...

Hi guys-

We know someone will work out to be Paige's donor. Where your family is right now was a reeeealy difficult time for us. But like you said in your blog, they can treat this disease, and Dr. Book has made a career out of doing just that. We are thinking and praying about you constantly and we know Paige will come through this just fine.